v 3.76 4 Mar 00 |
v 3.74 11 Jan 00 |
- Allowed various backgrounds to be transparent.
v 3.72 25 Oct 99 |
- Added ability to modify fonts
- FWCAddEvent data file format changed ... for the last time
v 3.70 7 Oct 99 |
- Added Leading and MinWidth variables
- Added events will now not overwrite the date
v 3.66 4 Oct 99 |
- FWCAddEvent.data format changed to accomadate ability to change event text color as event is added
- Cycle gadget added for colors
- Support for tint (PageStream only) dropped
v 3.64 20 Sep 99 |
v 3.62 10 Sep 99 |
- Automatically adjusts widths of events that are too wide
- Added several locale strings
- Will only work with FWCalendar.rexx v3.64+ calendars
v 3.60 25 Aug 99 |
- BGUI is used for all requesters. bgui.library and rexxbgui.library are REQUIRED. rexxreqtools.library is no longer used.
- MUIRexx and Gui4CLI are no longer used for any requesters
- Improved error reporting (added DoDebug variable)
- Allowed specifying boxcolor for boxed highlights
- Allowed empty boxes to be created
- Added BoxColor$ string
- Added AddEventRows and EventKey variables
v 3.50 10 Jul 99 |
- Re-worked variables to prevent overlapping
- Allowed files to be installed in ANY directory
- Renamed AddEvent.rexx to FWCAddEvent.rexx
- Added EnterStartdate$, EnterEvent$, SelectFile$, and File$ variables
- Allowed pre-defined event files to be used (see Data�Files)
- Fixed problem of added events creeping down the calendar
v 3.30 3 Jun 99 |
- Fixed a bug that might cause events to print in the wrong size
v 3.28 15 May 99 |
- Now PROPERLY reads DoShanghai variable (see "Recent Changes")
v 3.27 14 May 99 |
- Now reads DoShanghai variable (see "Recent Changes")
v 3.25 4 Mar 99 |
- Fixed bug when FINALW.1 wasn't the Final Writer port
v 3.20 2 Mar 99 |
- Allowed events to be added to the top line
- Added TabSub and TabFactor variables
- Added an informational requester if neither MUIRexx nor Gui4Cli can be found
v 3.15 16 Feb 99 |
- Changed a command to allow macro to work with pre-v 3.4 PageStream
v 3.10 14 Feb 99
- Improved print routines to allow both single and double quotes
- CAUTION: Not compatible with pre-v 3.10 FWCalendars
v 3.00 1 Feb 99
- Fully localizable
- Can use either MUIRexx (recommended) or Gui4Cli
v 2.50 29 Dec 98
- Fixed some calls that may or may not have caused some people problems
v 2.45 10 Oct 98
- Modified slightly to work around the fact that on some machines the
Gui4Cli routine signalled that it was done before it really was.
v 2.40
- Accommodated changes in FWCalendar.data file
v 2.35
- Accommodated the upper-area-calculation change made in FWCalendar.rexx macro.
v 2.3
- Fixed bug that didn't allow the close gadget to work
- Now 'localized' for American, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portugese
v 2.2
- Can now (indirectly) enter the '$' in events (see User�Variables)
v 2.1
- Fixed macro to allow use of a comma for the decimal point
instead of the period
v 2.0
- Now REQUIRES Gui4Cli, but what an improvement!
- Can enter weekly events
v 1.2
- De-Americanized macro (no longer assumes US Letter paper
and inch units)
v 1.1
- Corrected default margins
- Set default fonts to more likely locations
- Added multi-line, auto-breaking, non-boxed events
v 1.0